Blue streak Cleaner Wrasse
Blue streak Cleaner Wrasse
Cleaner wrasses are small, non-aggressive fish with distinctive features that help them identify and clean other fish:
· Body shape
Long, thin body with a wide, flat tail and a pointed white nose
· Coloration
Cleaner wrasses can have a variety of colors, including blue, black, white, and purple:
· Bluestreak cleaner wrasse: Adults are blue with a thick black stripe running from the tail through the eyes, while juveniles are black with a single blue stripe
· Hawaiian cleaner wrasse: Golden on the front, with a dark stripe running from the eye to the tail, and purple and violet on the fins
· Behavior
Cleaner wrasses perform gestures to attract and calm their clients, such as trembling with excitement and flapping their fins
· Cleaning stations
Cleaner wrasses hang around cleaning stations where fish come to be cleaned
Cleaner wrasses play a vital role in the health of reef fish by removing parasites and dead tissue from other fish, which helps prevent disease and increases the survival of both the fish and the reef ecosystem.