Captive Bred Yellow Tang
Captive Bred Yellow Tang
Captive-bred yellow tangs (Zebrasoma flavescens) are a popular choice for marine aquariums due to their striking color, active nature, and ease of care:
· Appearance
Yellow tangs are known for their bright yellow color, laterally compressed body, and pronounced snout.
· Behavior
Yellow tangs are active swimmers that enjoy plenty of open space. They are generally peaceful with other fish species, but can be semi-aggressive towards other tangs and similar species.
· Diet
Yellow tangs are herbivores that eat vegetable matter, such as pellets, nori, and frozen food blends. Avoid feeding them a diet high in protein or meaty foods.
· Tank size
Yellow tangs can grow to eight inches long and require a large aquarium of at least 100 gallons.
· Water conditions
Yellow tangs prefer water parameters of around 78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.0-8.4, and s.g.1.021-1.023.
· Tank setup
To replicate a natural reef environment, add live rock and provide open areas for swimming. You can also use powerheads or wavemakers to increase water movement.
· Captive breeding
Captive-bred yellow tangs are more accustomed to aquarium conditions and are hardier than wild-caught fish. Captive breeding also helps reduce the impact on wild populations.