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Saltwater Sanctuary LLC

Margarita Snail

Margarita Snail

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The Margarita snail (Margarites pupillus) is a saltwater aquarium snail that is known for its algae-eating abilities and peaceful temperament: 


·       Appearance

The Margarita snail has a brown body and a smooth, turban-shaped shell. It can grow up to 1 inch in size. 


·       Behavior

Margarita snails are non-aggressive and can coexist peacefully with corals and other invertebrates. They are sensitive to fluctuations in water parameters, such as pH, temperature, and alkalinity. 


·       Diet

Margarita snails are herbivores that eat a variety of algae, including hair algae, cyanobacteria, brown and green diatoms, and filamentous algae. If there is limited algae in the tank, you can supplement their diet with dried seaweed. 


·       Care

Margarita snails are easy to care for and require little attention. They thrive in well-established aquariums with lots of live rock and algae. 


·       Water conditions

Margarita snails prefer cooler water temperatures, but can adapt to warmer conditions up to 78° Fahrenheit. The recommended water conditions are 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, and sg 1.023-1.025. 


·       Other names

The Margarita snail is also known as the Stomatella Limpet, Little Margarite, and Pearl or Pearly Topped Snail. 

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