Purple Tang
Purple Tang
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$249.99 USD
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The purple tang (Zebrasoma xanthurum) is a saltwater fish that is a popular choice for reef aquariums:
- Appearance: Purple tangs are blue to purple in color with yellow tails and pectoral fins. They have black spots on their heads and black horizontal lines on some of their sides.
- Size: Purple tangs can grow to be about 10 inches long.
- Behavior: Purple tangs are active and bold, and they may intimidate other fish in the tank. They can be territorial, especially towards other tangs.
- Diet: Purple tangs eat meaty foods, pellets, and marine-based seaweed and algae.
- Habitat: Purple tangs live in coral reefs in the Red Sea, Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden, and off Sri Lanka.
- Care: Purple tangs need lots of swimming space, hiding spots, and good lighting.They also need a varied diet to strengthen their immune system.
- Spine: Purple tangs are surgeon fish, which means they have a sharp spine at the base of their tail that they use for defense.
- Lifespan: Purple tangs can live for at least 10 years in captivity.