Red Leg Hermit Crab
Red Leg Hermit Crab
. The red leg hermit crab, also known as the scarlet reef hermit crab, is a small, peaceful, and active scavenger that is often kept in marine aquariums:
· Appearance
The red leg hermit crab has bright red legs, a yellow face, and a smooth, hairless body.Its abdomen is unarmored and is protected by a gastropod mollusc shell.
· Size
The red leg hermit crab can grow to be about 1.2 inches long, with a shell that is roughly 1/2–1 inch.
· Diet
The red leg hermit crab is an omnivore that eats algae, food particles, and sometimes fish food. It is particularly fond of hair algae, diatoms, and cyanobacteria.
· Behavior
The red leg hermit crab is peaceful and generally gets along well with other tankmates.However, large individuals may attack snails.
· Care
The red leg hermit crab is easy to care for and does well in an established reef system with lots of algae. It needs an ample supply of empty shells to move into as it grows and molts. You should also avoid copper-based medications and extreme water parameter fluctuations.