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Saltwater Sanctuary LLC



Regular price $64.99 USD
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The sailfin tang is a saltwater fish with a distinctive appearance and several characteristics, including:

  • Size: Sailfin tangs can grow up to 16 inches in length. 
  • Body shape: They have an oval-shaped body and a disc-like shape. 
  • Fins: Sailfin tangs have large, sail-shaped dorsal and anal fins that can be raised or lowered to nearly double the fish's height. 
  • Coloration: Sailfin tangs are brown with white and yellow bars, and a white to yellowish and brown tail. Juveniles have more yellow coloring and translucent tails. 
  • Head: Sailfin tangs have a white head with yellow spots, a dark band through the eye, and a paler band behind the eye. 
  • Stripes: Sailfin tangs have vertical stripes that are rich and bold, with intricate markings within each stripe. 
  • Snout: Sailfin tangs have an elongated snout. 

Sailfin tangs are herbivores that enjoy grazing on algae and can be a good addition to a reef aquarium. They are considered moderately difficult to care for and are semi-aggressive. Here are some tips for caring for sailfin tangs: 

  • Provide a large aquarium with plenty of open space for swimming and rock for grazing. 
  • Maintain a water temperature of 72–78°F, a salinity of 1.020–1.025, and a pH of 8.1–8.4. 
  • Provide a varied diet, including flake food, pellet food, and meaty food. You can also supplement their diet with marine seaweed. 
  • Perform frequent water changes, changing 10% of the water every two weeks or 20% once a month. 
  • Use a quarantine tank for two weeks before introducing the fish into your main tank. 
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